
What Can I Cook With Rice Puffs

(This recipe was previously published on Robust Recipes. It has been updated for a better user experience. Bask)

Peanut butter and chocolate puffed rice treats are a slightly healthier version of rice crispy treats. Only requires 6 ingredients and 15 minutes to make. #dessert #glutenfreedessert #dairyfreerecipe #chocolate #ricecrispycereal #nobakerecipe #easyrecipe |

Okay friends, today I have a fun care for for you lot. Peanut butter and chocolate puffed rice treats!!!

If you are similar "umm, Emily, that is Not puffed rice you lot have pictured there. That is rice crispy cereal." Yeah, you are correct. But if you lot came to this recipe to specifically used puffed rice cereal, and so never fear, yous can use either type of cereal – puffed rice cereal, or rice crispy cereal!!!

And if yous accept already made this recipe as the former version, the only actual change to the ingredients is the rice crispy cereal VS the puffed rice cereal. Those two are an even 1 for 1 swap, everything else stayed exactly the aforementioned. All I did was update the photos and brand the directions of the recipe more cohesive to how I currently write my recipes.

The original mail for puffed rice treats was shared in 2022, dorsum when I was a infant, brand new food blogger. That was back in the days when I didn't test my recipes earlier sharing them here. I had a recipe idea. I made said recipe, crossed my fingers and hoped that it turned out okay, and photographed it in the same day. Occasionally that worked out for me, such as these puffed rice treats turned out great. Hence, the reason I didn't demand to alter anything when I tested them recently to update the post.

Nonetheless, not all recipes were so lucky. I soon realized that I needed some sort of quality control. I needed to perfect my recipes before photographing them and posting them here. I mean, how else was I supposed to feel confident that I was sharing quality recipes with yous?

The outset few months of blogging though, I just wanted to skip over that stride and go right to the good stuff. Don't nosotros all kind of want to fast rails things in life? That was a skillful lesson learned from blogging, quality over quantity – always. Homo, I could write a blog mail just on the topic of "Real life things I have learned from food blogging." There are a lot of skilful life lessons in blogging.

Anyways, dorsum to puffed rice treats!!!

Peanut butter and chocolate puffed rice treats are a slightly healthier version of rice crispy treats. Only requires 6 ingredients and 15 minutes to make. #dessert #glutenfreedessert #dairyfreerecipe #chocolate #ricecrispycereal #nobakerecipe #easyrecipe |

What's the difference between puffed rice and rice crispy cereal?

  • Puffed Rice
    • literally is rice that is fried until information technology's puffed.
    • the texture is crunchy, however dumbo and hearty.
  • crispy rice cereal
    • rice that has been cooked as normal, dehydrated , or dried out – and and so fried.
    • more traditional to what y'all think of when you think of a rice crispy treat.
    • very crunchy, simply more than light in texture and delicate than puffed rice cereal.
  • Both are fabricated from rice.
  • Both are crunchy.
  • Both are delicious.
  • Both tin exist fabricated from dark-brown rice instead of white rice, just gotta look for the correct brand.
  • Both tin can be gluten complimentary. Just make sure to await for a certified gluten costless brand.

Now that you know the difference between puffed rice cereal and rice crispy cereal, you can feel confident that you can utilise either one in this recipe.

I institute that I much adopt the texture of the rice crispy cereal, only either one is super delicious, and super tasty.  You do you.

Ingredients for peanut butter and chocolate puffed rice treats:

  • coconut oil
  • common salt
  • honey (or sub agave nectar for vegans)
  • peanut butter (or sub whatsoever nut butter or seed butter you similar)
  • night chocolate (chocolate chips, or chopped chocolate bar)
  • rice crispy cereal or puffed rice cereal

That'due south it! Super unproblematic ingredients and just as piece of cake to brand.

Peanut butter and chocolate puffed rice treats are a slightly healthier version of rice crispy treats. Only requires 6 ingredients and 15 minutes to make. #dessert #glutenfreedessert #dairyfreerecipe #chocolate #ricecrispycereal #nobakerecipe #easyrecipe |

How to brand peanut butter and chocolate puffed rice treats:

  1. line a 9×13 blistering sheet with parchment paper, and grease.
  2. melt the coconut oil, common salt, honey, and peanut butter in a sauce pot over medium rut. Melt chocolate.
  3. Stir in your rice cereal of option.
  4. Transfer to prepared pan and spread it out.
  5. Chill until cooled and hardened
  6. cutting into squares
  7. DEVOUR!!!

That's all there is to it. Super simple dessert.

Peanut butter and chocolate puffed rice treats are a slightly healthier version of rice crispy treats. Only requires 6 ingredients and 15 minutes to make. #dessert #glutenfreedessert #dairyfreerecipe #chocolate #ricecrispycereal #nobakerecipe #easyrecipe |

These puffed rice treats are super crunchy, chocolate-y with a hint of peanut butter and just the right corporeality of sweet. They are tender and slightly chewy. Peanut butter and chocolate puffed rice treats won't concluding a total week in your house. Guaranteed.

These puffed rice treats are a slightly healthier option to the traditional rice crispy treats that are made with marshmallows. They are refined sugar gratuitous, and contain some healthy fats and protein from the peanut butter – always a nice way to assistance slow down the style our bodies process sugar.

They are likewise dairy free, vegan adaptable, and gluten free adjustable. You can even swap the peanut butter with whatsoever blazon of nut butter or seed butter you like.

Peanut butter and chocolate puffed rice treats are a groovy dessert to make during the summer, no baking needed. They merely take 15 minutes of hands on time to make! Who doesn't need that kind of recipe in their life?! They are the perfect treat for packed lunches, or to bring to pretty much any party.

Peanut butter and chocolate puffed rice treats are a slightly healthier version of rice crispy treats. Only requires 6 ingredients and 15 minutes to make. #dessert #glutenfreedessert #dairyfreerecipe #chocolate #ricecrispycereal #nobakerecipe #easyrecipe |

I promise yous enjoy these puffed rice treats equally much as we practice. Information technology's always fun to meet an erstwhile recipe that gets some beloved from some readers (read a few comments below), and then to update the post to make information technology an even meliorate feel for you. Also, it's fun to run into how far I have come as a content creator.

I can't even imagine non testing a recipe these days. It literally makes me want to hyperventilate just thinking about it. Also, recipe testing is one of my favorite parts of my task. Looking back to 2022, when I started blogging, the thought of recipe testing felt so stressful to me. Funny how that works out.

Until next week, friends. Hope you accept a proficient ane.

Peanut butter and chocolate puffed rice treats are a slightly healthier version of rice crispy treats. Only requires 6 ingredients and 15 minutes to make. #dessert #glutenfreedessert #dairyfreerecipe #chocolate #ricecrispycereal #nobakerecipe #easyrecipe |

More No Bake Treats:

  • crunchy no broil chocolate cookies
  • 3 edible cookie dough flavors
  • Vanilla cashew butter cups
  • turmeric chocolate snack bars
  • homemade chocolate turtles

Peanut butter and chocolate puffed rice treats are a slightly healthier version of rice crispy treats. Only requires 6 ingredients and 15 minutes to make. #dessert #glutenfreedessert #dairyfreerecipe #chocolate #ricecrispycereal #nobakerecipe #easyrecipe |

Did yous make this recipe? The best way to say thank you is by leaving me a annotate down beneath along with a star rating. I enjoy hearing from you lot, and it helps my blog to reach more people. Also, if you know anyone who might savour this recipe, please share it with them. Thanks friends!


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Peanut butter and chocolate puffed rice treats are a slightly healthier version of rice crispy treats. Only requires 6 ingredients and 15 minutes to make.

  • i/four cup  unrefined kokosnoot oil
  • ane/4 teaspoon kosher salt
  • one/4 cup honey, (or sub agave nectar)
  • 3/4 cup natural peanut butter
  • ¾ loving cup (3.50 ounces) dark chocolate chips (or dark chocolate bar, chopped)
  • 3 three/4 cup rice crispy cereal (or puffed rice cereal) – (run into notes)

  1. Prepare: Prepare a 9X13 baking dish past lining it with parchment paper, leaving some overhang on ii sides. Grease the parchment paper and the remainder of the exposed sides of the pan with a neutral tasting oil (such every bit avocado or grape seed oil). Prepare the prepared pan aside. Also at this time measure all of your ingredients and accept them ready, this recipe moves fast.
  2. Cook: To a medium sized sauce pot add together the kokosnoot oil, salt, honey (or agave nectar), and peanut butter in the sauce pot. Plow on the heat to medium low and stir just until everything is melted and well combined. Add together the chocolate and stir until all the chocolate is melted and well combined. Remove from the heat.
  3. Stir in the cereal: Once off the estrus immediately stir in the rice crispy cereal until all the cereal is well coated.
  4. Press into the pan: Transfer the mixture to the prepared blistering dish. Use a spatula to evenly distribute the mixture into the pan so that information technology's in a smooth layer. Press gently, just so that everything is well compacted.
  5. Cool: Permit the pan to cool at room temp for 15 minutes. Then popular it in the freezer for 15 minutes, or just until everything is firm.
  6. Cut: Run a butter pocketknife around the edges of the puffed rice treat to loosen it. Apply the parchment paper tabs to help pull the entire thing out of the pan. Apply a abrupt knife to cutting into squares.
  7. Enjoy/shop: Enjoy immediately or store in an air tight container at room temp. If y'all kitchen is too hot you lot might want to popular them in the freezer to firm upward for nigh 10 minutes, earlier eating them – however, you lot don't want to store them in the fridge otherwise the cereal might get soggy.


rice crispy cereal or puffed rice cereal: The original recipe was written to use puffed rice cereal, which is not the same as rice crispy cereal. I prefer to brand this dessert using rice crispy cereal. However, you can use either kind of cereal. Both are succulent, both work really well. Puffed rice has a more than dense texture while rice crispy cereal has a more light and blusterous, tender crunchy texture. Again, both work really well. And you tin can use a brown rice version for a slightly healthier treat.

Peanut butter: You can swap the peanut butter for any other kind of natural nut butter or seed butter yous similar.

Gluten gratuitous: To make this dessert gluten free make sure to use puffed rice cereal, or rice crispy cereal that is gluten free.

Vegan: to go on this recipe vegan make sure to use vegan chocolate and agave nectar instead of honey. I remember agave nectar will piece of work best here because the consistency is more like to  dear.

Dairy free: to proceed this recipe dairy free make sure to use dairy free chocolate.

Keywords: gluten gratuitous dessert, no bake dessert, easy recipe, ten ingredients or less, chocolate, peanut butter, beloved, refined sugar free, dessert, vegan, dairy free

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What Can I Cook With Rice Puffs,


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